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There are many different ways to display your booking calendars on your site. You can use shortcodes or modules from your page builders. Below we’ll outline all the methods to display the calendar on your site.

Before you begin to Display the Booking Calendars on your site, go through the Setup Wizard and create your first Appointment Type.

Page Builders and the Appointments Module

If you’re using one of the page builders listed below, you could also use our Appointments block/widget. This will allow you to quickly drag and drop the Appointments module into your page or post layout.

WordPress Block Editor Appointment Booking Form Block displayed on a sample booking page.

Shortcodes Overview

Shortcodes are snippets of text that you can copy and paste into your website to help embed complex elements. We use shortcodes for Simply Schedule Appointments to make it easy for you to add the booking calendars anywhere you can add text.

How to Add a Shortcode to a Page or Post

To add a shortcode to your website, all you have to do is add it to a page or post just like you would with any other text. You can copy the shortcodes from this page and paste them back into your page editor using a text, paragraph block, or module.

Screenshot depicting a shortcode being added to a paragraph block in the wordpress block editor to display the booking calendar.
Adding the shortcode to a Paragraph block in the WordPress block editor

Having Trouble With The Shortcodes?

Some page builders may process text strings differently than others; for example, they may not be able to process missing quotes or apostrophes within shortcodes. If you’re having trouble displaying the calendars with the shortcodes, you may want to try listing the attribute values with quotation marks instead.

Instead of:

  • [ssa_booking type=my-appointment-type]
  • [ssa_booking type='my-appointment-type']


  • [ssa_booking type="my-appointment-type"]

The difference is very subtle, but in some cases, like King Composer, it’s the only way to display the calendars!

Default Shortcode: Display All Your Booking Calendars

The SSA Booking Calendars can be embedded in any post or page using our general shortcode.

Use a plain text block or shortcode block or widget to embed the Booking Calendar with the following shortcode:


How the Booking Calendars Looks on Your Site

By default, the [ssa_booking] shortcode displays a list of Appointment Types (if you have more than one) for your customers to choose from.

List of Appointment Types

Use the Reorder button on the SSA Appointment Types page to organize by dragging and dropping elements in the list. The way they’re ordered is how they’re displayed to your visitors.

Shortcode Attributes

Simply Schedule Appointments uses shortcode attributes as a way to help you:

  • Modify which booking calendars you want to display – it could be a specific one, or you can choose multiple.
  • Change the language in which you display the booking calendars – this way, you can choose a different language for multiple pages.
  • Or, you can limit the Availability – you can offer different time slot time ranges for different instances of the booking calendars on your website.

Specific Booking Calendar – “type” Attribute

To limit the Booking Calendar to one specific Appointment Type – go to the bottom of the Appointment Type Settings and copy the shortcode with the slug included.

The shortcode should look something like this; notice the type attribute is being used to specify the appointment type you want to display:

[ssa_booking type=the-slug-for-this-appointment-type]
Copying the specific Appointment Type shortcode from the Booking Info section

The slug is created automatically after you finish creating your Appointment Type. This is displayed under the Basics tab in your setting. If you want to change the slug, it can’t have blank spaces; words must be separated by a hyphen (-).

Screenshot depicting the location of the slug to call the appointment type.

If you have the Booking Calendar for an Appointment Type already displayed on your site and you change the slug, you would have to make sure to change the shortcode on the corresponding pages to match the same slug.

How the Single Booking Calendar Looks On Your Site

Unlike the general shortcode, this doesn’t show a button before someone can see the date selection screen. The end-user automatically sees the calendar to select a date.

Screenshot displaying the booking calendar embedded.

Subset of Booking Calendars – “types” attribute

To list out a subset of your booking calendars, you can use the types attribute to choose which ones are displayed. The types attribute uses the slugs for each appointment type.

So, for example, if your appointment type slugs are –

  • slug-1
  • slug-2
  • slug-3

You can use the shortcode like this to only list out the slug-1 and slug-3 appointment types:

[ssa_booking types='slug-1,slug-3']
Adding a subset of my booking calendars to my site.

Make sure that there are no spaces within the quotation marks. Doing something like this, “slug-1, slug-2, slug-3” won’t work since there are spaces between the commas and slug names.

Redirect After Booking – “redirect_post_id” attribute

Redirect users to a new page after submitting their booking – this is an excellent option for those who want to make custom confirmation pages.

Learn how to use the Redirect Post ID attribute.

[ssa_booking redirect_post_id="1234"]

This shortcode can be used in conjunction with our ssa_confirmation shortcode to display the SSA confirmation on the page that you redirect to.


Switch the Language – “ssa_locale” attribute

The default shortcode displays the Booking Calendar in your site’s default language. However, you can override your site’s default language by using the ssa_locale shortcode attribute:

[ssa_booking ssa_locale="language_Code_Here"]

You’ll need to replace language_code_here with the code for your language pack.

See the complete list of languages with their corresponding code here. Notice the language code highlighted in yellow underneath each language description:

Screenshot displaying the locales that can be used.
Language codes highlighted in yellow

For example, to display your booking calendar in formal German, the shortcode looks like this:

[ssa_booking ssa_locale="de_DE_formal"]

Your language must be in our language pack list; if not, you’ll need to contribute translations to your language pack. Here’s a guide on how to Translate your Booking Calendar.

Availability Limits – “availability_start_date” and “availability_end_date” attribute

The default shortcode will display available bookings starting from the current date and ending on a date determined by either the Advance or Availability Window settings. But if you’d like your calendars to follow a custom start and end date, you can do so with these shortcode attributes:

Start Date

Use availability_start_date to set a start limit for the availability in your embedded booking calendars.

 [ssa_booking availability_start_date=2022-04-25]

End Date

Use availability_end_date to set an end limit for the availability in your embedded booking calendars.

 [ssa_booking availability_end_date=2022-04-30]

Both Start and End Date

Or, use both!

[ssa_booking availability_end_date=2022-04-30 availability_start_date=2022-04-25]

Appointment Type Labels – “label” attribute

The label attribute lets you list out all of the Appointment Type booking calendars associated with your chosen label.

Learn more about using Appointment Type Labels.

[ssa_booking label="Default"]

Looking for More Shortcodes?

Admin Dashboard

We include this here because the site administrators can book appointments from the Appointments tab and technically access the booking calendars on the SSA Admin dashboard. This allows admins to manage SSA settings without navigating through the WordPress dashboard.

You can place the Simply Schedule Appointments Administrator dashboard on your website using this shortcode in a text block or shortcode block and book appointments from there:

Adding the Admin dashboard to my site.

Check out our guide for more tips on the Admin Dashboard.

The Events Calendar Integration Shortcode

Suppose you’re using The Events Calendar plugin and want to display your SSA appointment types. In that case, we have a special shortcode that allows TEC to limit the availability in the SSA booking calendars to that specific event’s start and end time.

This is not a standalone shortcode. You must embed this in The Event Calendar’s event description field.


If you haven’t yet set up your Event and Appointment type, look at our guide on Setting up The Events Calendar.

Still stuck?

File a support ticket with our five-star support team to get more help.

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  • Please provide any information that will be helpful in helping you get your issue fixed. What have you tried already? What results did you expect? What did you get instead?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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