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  • Business Edition


The Appointment Type Labels allow admins to color-coordinate and group their Appointment Types. The labels currently support filtering and bulk editing. In this guide, we’ll review how to add, edit, and further use the labels.

Labels are for admin use only – the colors and label titles are not visible to customers. To apply colors to the user-facing Appointment Type listings, visit our styling guide.

Managing Appointment Type Labels

If this is your first time using Appointment Type labels, you will see the green Default label attached to each of your Appointment Types.

Screenshot of the Green Default Appointment Type Label in the Appointment Types tab.

Adding a New Label

You can create unlimited amounts of labels to help you categorize the Appointment Types. To create a new label, open up one of the Appointment Type editors > select the Basics tab > select the Label field.

This should open up a dropdown menu, where you can select the + (plus) sign in the top-right corner, or the Add New Label button.

Screenshot of the Label field with the dropdown enabled to let the user select a label.

You should now see the heading within the popup change to Create label. Enter a Label name and Choose a color. When you’re done, click Save.

Label names must be unique and cannot contain commas or double quotations.

Using the label dropdown to create a new label within the appointment type settings.

After creating your label, your Appointment Type will automatically select the new label, and you should see the editor change colors to match your new label.

Label dropdown displaying the newly created label and showing the color change in the appointment type settings to match the label color.

Editing an Existing Label

To edit a label, open one of the Appointment Type editors > select the Basics tab > select the Label field. Select the pencil icon next to the label that you want to edit.

You should now see the heading within the popup change to the Update label. Continue with your changes to the Name and Color. When you’re done, click Update.

You do not need to save the overall Appointment Type settings after editing a label’s color or title – only when choosing a different label for the Appointment Type.

Deleting a Label

To delete a label, open up one of the Appointment Type editors > select the Basics tab > select the Label field. Select the red trash can icon next to the label you want to delete.

You’ll be prompted with a popup to either Confirm, Delete, or Keep Label. If you confirm the deletion, the label will be removed from your label collection, and any Appointment Types currently assigned that label will revert to the Default label.

This popup also allows you to edit the Appointment Types affected by this deletion before you delete it. There is an Edit link next to each Appointment Type name; clicking this will cancel the deletion and take you to the editor of that Appointment Type.

Popup asking user to confirm the deletion of the label. Popup displays a list of the appointment types affecting by this action.

Bulk Editing Labels

Apply label changes to Appointment Types in bulk using our Bulk Editing tool. Simply select the label icons from the Appointment Types admin listing and select the Bulk Edit menu. Choose the Basics option to edit the labels across the selected Appointment Types..

Using Appointment Type Labels

Now that you’ve learned how to manage your labels and have added a few to your collection. To apply a label to an Appointment Type, open up one of the Appointment Type editors > select the Basics tab > select the Label field. Choose one label for your Appointment Type, and the editor will immediately change to your selected label color. Finally, click Save.

Changing the label for the Appointment Type in the Basics tab

Filtering Appointment Types

Use the Labels button within the Appointment Types tab to display only the Appointment Types with a specific label.

Filtering Appointment Types by Label

Colorize Appointment Listings

The Appointments listing for admins will display people icons based on the labels.

If you’re accepting bookings for logged-in users, their profile pictures will be used in place of the people icon.

Screenshot of the Appointments tab with the listings varying in colors with each corresponding to the Appointment Type label.

Label Shortcode Attribute

Similar to our types attribute, which allows you to display a subset of booking calendars in a list view, we also have a label attribute that lets you list out all of the Appointment Type booking calendars associated with that label.

[ssa_booking label="Default"]

Only one label can be included with this attribute.

WordPress Block Setting

This label attribute is also compatible with our Appointment Booking Form block. You have the option to filter by Label or by Appointment Type. When Label is selected, you can choose one from the new Labels dropdown.

Screenshot of the WordPress Block editor with the Appointment Booking Form block in use. Label is selected from the Block settings.

Twig Templates for Label Information

Add the following Twig Templates to include the appointment’s associated Appointment Type Label information in the notifications.

Appointment Type Label Name

{{ Appointment.AppointmentType.label_name }}

Appointment Type Label Color

{{ Appointment.AppointmentType.label_color }}

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