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Simply Schedule Appointments can be used on multi-language sites; in this guide, we’ll go over some of the setup steps to get this done.

  1. Make a duplicate and translate Appointment Types and Notifications.
  2. Display the calendars using our specialized translation shortcode.

If you don’t want your calendars to block off each other’s time slots, you’ll need to turn on the Independent Availability setting.

Translate Appointment Types and Notifications

The Appointment Types and notifications use fields that follow a “what you see is what you get” convention because they’re customizable. This means that our WordPress translation system can’t translate them, so we have to translate them manually.

Cloning Appointment Types

To begin, we’ll need to clone each Appointment Type using the cog on the right-hand side of the listing. This will open a new Appointment Type editor for the clone; you’ll need to translate the following fields:

  • Appointment Type Name
  • Instructions
  • Payments Return Policy
  • MailChimp Opt-in message
  • Customer Information Fields (if you’re using custom ones)

Once you’re done, go ahead and Save the newly translated Appointment Type.

Translating a clone of an Appointment Type

Cloning Notifications

OR, instead, use the following workaround using Advanced Twig to switch out the content depending on which language the user booked in.

Next, we’ll need to also duplicate the notifications and tie them to our new translated appointment types. Using the cog on the right-hand side of the notification listings, select the Clone action. This will open a new Notification Editor for the clone; you’ll need to complete the following steps.

  1. Change the Notification Name to keep yourself organized (maybe add the language to the end of the existing title)
  2. Tie the notification to the translated appointment type
  3. Translate the Subject and Message
Translating a clone of the Notification

Display the Calendars with the Specialized Shortcode

When embedding a translated booking calendar on your site, you’ll need to work with the following two shortcode attributes.

  • types: this will help you only list the translated appointment types
  • ssa_locale: this will force SSA to display in your selected language

We have a guide to give you even more detail on how to use these attributes in our shortcodes guide.

The shortcode would look something like this:

[ssa_booking ssa_locale="language-pack-code" types="translated-slug-1,translated-slug-2, translated-slug-etc"]

In my example, I’m going to use:

[ssa_booking ssa_locale="es_MX" types="llamada-telefonica-de-consulta"]

Make sure to have the language pack installed in SSA!

Embedding SSA on your multi-language site

Still stuck?

File a support ticket with our five-star support team to get more help.

File a ticket

  • Please provide any information that will be helpful in helping you get your issue fixed. What have you tried already? What results did you expect? What did you get instead?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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