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In this guide, we’ll share some CSS so that you can hide the Reschedule and Cancelation buttons from the Edit Appointment page, while keeping them visible on the confirmation page during the booking process.

We’ll also cover how to remove the link to the edit appointment page from the notification so that your client won’t be able to reach it.

Limiting Cancelation Within Timeframe

In our Simply Schedule Appointments plugin, we don’t have a way to prevent your client from rescheduling or canceling appointments based on time limits (ex. 1 day before time of appointment). In this guide, we’ll walk you through the closest workaround to remove that functionality altogether using simple CSS snippets.

Make sure to add the CSS in SSA Settings > Styles > Custom CSS field. If you’d like to learn more, see our guide on adding custom CSS to Simply Schedule Appointments.

Default Display of Edit Appointment page

By default, the Edit Appointment page shows all 3 buttons (Edit Information, Reschedule, and Cancel Appointment). But, using the CSS listed below, you can remove the Reschedule and Cancel buttons.

The Edit Appointments page depicting the summary of the appointment, edit information, reschedule, and cancel buttons.
Default layout for Edit Appointment page

Hiding the Ability to Cancel and Reschedule for Clients

The Edit Appointments page depicting the summary of the appointment, but now with the reschedule and cancel buttons hidden.
Edit Appointment page after using CSS to hide the buttons
.cust-info .edit-appt .cancellation-actions .appointment-actions .appointment-cancel-button{
display: none;

.cust-info .edit-appt .cancellation-actions .appointment-actions .appointment-reschedule-button{
display: none;

Remove the Edit Appointment Link

To prevent your client from reaching the Edit Appointment page from the notifications and Google Events, you can remove it from the notifications.

To do that head to Settings > Notifications > Email (Customer) setting, then remove this twig code from the Message:

{{ Appointment.public_edit_url }}

Here’s a guide to help you play around with Email Notifications. And, if you’d like to learn more about what twig codes we have you can check this guide — Basic Twig

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