Easier translations for your appointments – booking in your language

Translations feature

As more people start using Simply Schedule Appointments, we’ve had lots of folks who need to translate the plugin into other languages. Understandably, people were most interested in having the booking form translated. Simply Schedule Appointments is and always has been translation-ready, but we started to bump into some of the limitations of the WordPress… Read more Easier translations for your appointments – booking in your language

Lots of little foxes, er, fixes for Simply Schedule Appointments today

Foxy in a hard hat with lots of tools - he's a handy man (fox)

Today we took a break from finishing up PayPal payments for our Pro Edition to clean up a few little feature requests and bugs. We pulled together a pretty nice release with some features that we think you’ll all appreciate. Here’s a quick round-up of what’s included: Before buffers and start times We shuffled the… Read more Lots of little foxes, er, fixes for Simply Schedule Appointments today

Appointments every 20 minutes


In the latest version of Simply Schedule Appointments, we now have a 20-minute appointment increment available. This is perfect for those of you who need to schedule appointments every 20 minutes, particularly for you photographers out there. We see you. In addition to 10, 15, 30, and 60 minutes, you can now select to have… Read more Appointments every 20 minutes

New views for booking appointments – monthly now available!


One of our earliest assumptions when we started building Simply Schedule Appointments was that folks would be mostly booking appointments in the near future – mostly in the next week or two. Of course, there’s nothing like real people using your software to test your assumptions! As more and more folks have started installing and… Read more New views for booking appointments – monthly now available!

1-Click Support built right in!

We’ve done our best to build a really solid product, but with software development, bugs and issues are just a fact of life. No matter how much we test and check, we just can’t predict every possible use case, hosting setup, or potential conflicts with other plugins and themes. When one of our customers is… Read more 1-Click Support built right in!

Lots of Custom Styling/CSS Options


As we’ve worked on Simply Schedule Appointments and folks have started putting it to work on their own sites, we’ve had lots of requests for customization options for the booking form. We tried a few different approaches, and we’ve finally settled on suite of tools that will allow everyone to customize the appointment booking form… Read more Lots of Custom Styling/CSS Options