Back to Team Booking Guides

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  • Basic Edition
  • Plus Edition
  • Pro Edition
  • Business Edition


In this guide, we will cover what the booking process looks like when Team Members are involved. And how viewing team bookings look like to Admins and Team Members.

To learn more about how to fully set up the Team feature: Setup Team Booking.

Booking Team Members

Bookings are either:

  • Randomly assigned to Any single team member associated with the specific appointment type.
  • Assigned to All of the team members associated with that specific appointment type.
  • Chosen by the customer based on User Preference.

We don’t see any sign of who will be assigned the appointment on the booking calendar itself if User Preference is not selected.

The admin can also always come back after the appointment is booked and edit the team bookings. They can change or remove the team members.

Otherwise, the booking calendar continues to work as before.

Team Member section in Appointment Type Settings that lets you choose User Preference, Any, All, or None for team members.

Viewing Team Bookings and Settings

There are two potential ways to view Team Member bookings. This will differ for admins and team members with the Team Member role in WordPress.

Admin UserTeam Member User
View all the Team Members’ (and non-team) appointments Only view their assigned appointments
Edit the Team Members assigned to bookingsCannot modify the assigned team member on a booking.
Edit Appointment Type SettingsCannot edit Appointment Type Settings
Manage all the Blackout DatesOnly manage their Blackout Dates
Add, Delete, and Edit Team Members and their permissions or custom availabilityOnly edit their settings with admin permission
Access all SSA Settings (MailChimp, Payments, Notifications, etc.)No access to SSA settings
Allow Team Members to connect their Google CalendarConnect to Google Calendar with Admin permission.

You can use a WordPress permission plugin such as Members to give Team Members additional admin permissions.

Admin User Viewing Team Bookings

The admin can see which appointments are assigned to team members using the new Team Member Filter option in the Appointments tab.

Notice how each appointment listing has a team member associated with it. For example, “Phone Consultation Call with Foxy.”

On top of that, the admin can reassign team members to bookings here.

Appointment Details depicting a team member assigned, and how it can be edited.
Team Member filter option in Appointments List

Team Member User Plugin Access

The Team Member role is a unique role we’ve created so that you can give a WordPress user permission to see their appointments and customize their settings.

The Team Member role can be given to existing users or added to new users you create.

Team Members who aren’t registered as WordPress users cannot log in and must be fully managed by the admin.

Creating a new WordPress User Profile (Optional)

If Simply Schedule Appointments can’t find a WordPress user email that matches the one included in the Team profile, you can create a new WP user profile for them on the spot. Check the Can this user login and manage their own appointments? Checkbox from their SSA Team Profile Contact Settings and Save.

The new user will map the Name and Email and automatically assign the Team Member role.

Creating a new WordPress User from the SSA Team Profile

Adding the Team Member role to an Existing User

To add the Team Member role to existing users, go to Users > Click on a user > Under the Roles section, check the Team Member box.

Adding the Team Member role for a user in the WordPress User editor

Logging In as a Team Member

By default, the Team Member role only has access to the SSA Appointments page. Though, the permissions for the role are customizable using the Members plugin.

Remember, only Team Members registered as WordPress users can log in. The login screen will be the same one the admins use to log in to manage the site. Usually, this page looks like this:

Team Member SSA Dashboard

By default, the only two tabs that a Team Member has access to are:

  1. Profile page to manage their settings (if permitted by admin)
  2. Appointments assigned to them
The Team Member user role will only have access to the Appointments page from the WordPress Dashboard.

Within the SSA Appointments page, they will also have a limited view of the tabs.

Appointments Tab

Under the appointments tab, the team member can only see the bookings assigned to them. They have all the regular functions and features that an admin does to filter and view their bookings. As well as the ability to + Book an Appointment.

The Team Member user view of the SSA Dashboard, for viewing team bookings.

My Profile Tab

Under the My Profile tab, you’ll see different tabs and settings depending on what permissions the admin has granted this user.


This is where the team member can see which Display Name, Email, and Phone number is associated with their SSA account.

They have an Edit User Profile button that takes them to the WordPress profile page.


From here, the team member can see:

  • Appointment Types: What appointment types they’ve been assigned
  • Blackout Dates: A ‘View and Edit Blackout Dates’ button that takes them to a page where they can make changes.
  • Working Hours: The option to change between default and custom working hours and edit custom hours.
  • Google Calendar Sync: Team members can sign into their personal Google Accounts to choose which calendars to check for conflicts.

Web Meetings

This is where they can enter their Personal Meeting Room link; if you want the team members to be able to take 1-on-1 virtual meetings, you’ll need to use this field.

The Team booking feature is incompatible with Google Meet, Webex, and Zoom integrations.

Learn more about this feature in our Web Meetings guide.

Selecting which Google Calendars to select for conflicts in the Team member View

Embed the SSA Dashboard on a Team Profile Page

If your staff uses a dedicated profile page to manage their settings, you can also embed the SSA dashboard on their profile page for easy appointment and availability management.

Learn more about displaying the SSA Team dashboard on a page or post.

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