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Set up Google Calendar sync to connect to your site’s Booking Calendar and ensure you’re never double-booked.

To learn more about how Google Calendar sync works, read our Google Calendar Sync FAQ guide.

Enabling Google Calendar Sync in Settings

Go to your WordPress Dashboard > Admin Appointments page > Settings tab to begin the setup process.

Toggle the Google Calendar Sync feature on, then click Edit Settings.

Toggling the Google Calendar card on, located in the Settings of the SSA plugin.

Integrate Google Calendar with SSA

We have a couple of options for integrating Google Calendar with SSA.

Google Client ID and Client Secret

You’ll need to set up your Google API credentials so that Google can communicate with Simply Schedule Appointments.

To do that, follow our walkthrough video and guide on setting up the Google API Credentials: Google Client ID and Client Secret.

By the end of that guide, you should’ve successfully set up the connection between your Google Calendar and SSA. You’ll now see your Google information displayed, with the option to Disconnect the account.

Google Calendar Quick Connect

We also have a simpler and quicker way of setting up Google Calendar through Quick Connect, so you don’t have to deal with APIs while connecting Google Calendar with the SSA plugin.

The Quick Connect feature is currently in Beta state.

A Google account that has successfully been connected with Simply Schedule Appointments, where the disconnect button is also available in the upper right hand conrer.

Google Calendar Settings

After you’ve connected your Google Calendar to SSA, you’ll see two additional settings which you can then update.

Additional Google Calendar settings, such as the Google Meet Web Meeting options, the ability to delete canceled/rescheduled events, and the refresh Google Calendar rate.

Google Web Meetings

This setting allows Google Meet links to be auto-generated for each appointment. If you’d like to set this up, please see our other guide on Google Meet.

Delete Canceled / Rescheduled Events

Toggle this setting on if you prefer to delete the Google Events when they’re Canceled or Rescheduled. If an appointment is Canceled or Rescheduled, we add “Canceled:” to the Event Title by default.

Refresh Google Calendars

The Refresh Google Calendars setting lets you choose how often you’d like SSA to check for new events. The default 5 minutes is our recommended refresh rate.

If you’re not seeing the Google Calendar sync right away during initial testing, try reducing the refresh rate to 1 minute and try again.

Customize Google Events

With our event customization editor, you can change the information passed through to the Title, Location, and Description of the Google Event.

Learn more about the Google Calendar Event Customization feature.

Update Your Appointment Types

Each Appointment Type you’d like to connect with Google Calendar will need updated settings. Go to Appointment Types > Pick one > Google Calendar tab.

Then, inside the Google Calendar settings tab, you’ll see the option to sync appointments or check for conflicts in your Google Calendar.

This screenshot depicts how to sync Appointment Types with Google Calendar and check for conflicts.
Google Calendar Settings tab

Syncing Appointments to Google Calendar

Choose a calendar from the list to add newly booked appointments to it. Only one calendar is necessary for syncing appointments.

Your Booking Calendar will add your new appointments for that Appointment Type to Google Calendar moving forward.

Previously booked appointments for that Appointment Type will not sync to your Google Calendar.

This infographic depicts how syncing appointments works with Google Calendar and how they're added.
New Appointments added to Google Calendar

Checking Google Calendar for Conflicts

The existing Events in the chosen Google Calendars block off time slots in your Booking Calendar. You can select multiple calendars to check for conflicts.

After saving the settings, the Booking Calendar evaluates all the booking time slots and finally sees if there are any conflicts with your Google Calendar(s) events’.

This infographic depicts how blocking off time slots works in Google Calendar with busy events.
Existing Event Times Blocked Off in Booking Calendar

Still stuck?

File a support ticket with our five-star support team to get more help.

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