Back to Team Booking Guides

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  • Basic Edition
  • Plus Edition
  • Pro Edition
  • Business Edition


The Team feature introduces a couple of new Twig Code Templates so that your Notifications can be further customized for Team bookings.

You’ll need to manually create new Notifications to send out to Team Members. And add team member names to the email subject or message.

To learn more about how to fully set up the Team feature: Setup Team Booking.

Twig Code Templates for Team

The Notification Subject and Message fields use Twig Code Templates. These help you automatically add information from each appointment.

If the appointment type triggering the notification does not require Team Members, the following templates will be blank.

Team Member Name

Sends the Team Members’ first names only.

{{ team_member_name }}

Team Member Email

Sends Team Members’ email addresses.

{{ team_member_email }}

Team Member Phone

If SMS is enabled in the plugin, each team member’s profile will have a field for their phone number. You can include their phone number in the notifications using the following template.

{{ team_member_phone }}

How to Create a Team Member Notification

First, you’ll need to go to SSA Notifications > click +Add a new notification.

A new screen for adding notification settings will come up. Most of the settings are covered in the following guides:

But here, we want to give you a quick overview of what you must pay attention to.

Send To

You can add the {{ team_member_name }}, type it in, or use the green envelope to use the dropdown.

The Team Member twig template being used in the Notification Editor' Send To field

Appointment Types

You can uncheck the ‘All’ checkbox to pick only the appointment types requiring Team Members.

Selecting only the appointment types with Team Members assigned in the notification editor

Subject and Message

Update your subject and message to include the Team Member’s name and email so the customer can understand who will be helping them.

Feel free to use the example subject and message templates below!

If you’d like more details on customizing notifications, please see our other guide: Custom Subject and Message

Example Team Notification Templates

Confirmation, Edited, Canceled, or Time triggered notifications can be sent to your customer, team member, and admin. Here are some example Messages.

Please proofread and read through the text; I’ve used a fictional agency to convey these messages – “Fox Agency.”

Appointment Booked



An appointment with {{team_member_name}} has been booked on {{ Appointment.start_date | date("F d, Y g:ia (T)", Appointment.customer_timezone) }}


An appointment, {{ Appointment.AppointmentType.title|raw }}, is scheduled for {{ Appointment.start_date | date("F d, Y g:ia (T)", Appointment.customer_timezone) }} with {{team_member_name}}.

Customer details: 

{{ Appointment.customer_information_summary }}
Reschedule, Cancel or edit the customer's appointment here: 
{{ Appointment.public_edit_url }} 



Fox Agency - Your appointment with {{team_member_name}} has been booked.


Hi {{ Appointment.customer_information.Name }},
This is a confirmation of the appointment you just booked on {{ Global.site_url }}. The appointment, {{ Appointment.AppointmentType.title|raw }}, is scheduled for {{ Appointment.start_date | date("F d, Y g:ia (T)", Appointment.customer_timezone) }} and our team member, {{team_member_name}}, will be helping you out.
{% if Appointment.AppointmentType.instructions %}

Instructions: {{ Appointment.AppointmentType.instructions|raw }} 
{% endif %}
Your details: 
{{ Appointment.customer_information_summary }}
If you need to cancel or change your appointment, you can do so by visiting this link: 
{{ Appointment.public_edit_url }} 

Team Member


{{customer_name}} just booked an appointment with you on {{ Appointment.start_date | date("F d, Y g:ia (T)", Appointment.customer_timezone) }}


You're scheduled to work on a new appointment for {{ Appointment.AppointmentType.title|raw }}, scheduled on {{ Appointment.start_date | date("F d, Y g:ia (T)", Appointment.customer_timezone) }}.

Here are the Customers details: 

{{ Appointment.customer_information_summary }}
Reschedule, Cancel or edit the customer's appointment here: 
{{ Appointment.public_edit_url }} 

Still stuck?

File a support ticket with our five-star support team to get more help.

File a ticket

  • Please provide any information that will be helpful in helping you get your issue fixed. What have you tried already? What results did you expect? What did you get instead?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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