If you’re scouting out appointment scheduling plugins—or just looking into our plugin, Simply Schedule Appointments—there’s a somewhat decent chance you’re eyes have stumbled upon our 5-star review average in the WordPress plugin repository.

And while having a 5-star review average probably speaks for itself, we recently felt it might be beneficial for us to look into all the reviews that make up that 5-star average and put together a neatly-organized list of reasons why our customers love our appointment scheduling plugin (hint: it involves listening to and genuinely caring about our customers).

So, if you’re still looking for an awesome scheduling plugin, or just getting a better idea of why Simply Schedule Appointment might be right for you, we hope you’ll find this list helpful.

Without further ado, here are seven reasons why businesses using WordPress love Simply Schedule Appointments.

1. “Wait, you have a dedicated customer support team that gets back to me the same day and will jump on Zoom Calls?”

Customer Support Zoom Call Example

We know, we know—it’s not often that you run into a fully-dedicated customer support team in the world of WordPress plugins. But for us, having a kick-ass customer support team is a no-brainer.

Not only does it set us apart from all of the other appointment scheduling plugins that view supporting their customers after purchase as optional, but having a team like ours that is always there for our customers ensures that, in return, our customers are always there for us (whether they’re reviewing, referring, or renewing).

We think that’s a pretty nice win-win.

2. Get Fully Set Up with Online Scheduling in Just Five Minutes (With Our Setup Wizard)

Simply Schedule Appointments Onboarding Screenshot

Have you ever downloaded a plugin that was marketed as “easy-to-use” only to find that, once purchased and uploaded to your WordPress website, it was actually “near-impossible-to-set-up?”

The truth is, this is just another area post-purchase that many WordPress plugin developers choose to view as “no longer their problem.”

For us, getting our customers quickly and successfully set up is key (because, well, if we didn’t ensure it, our customers would most certainly be taking us up on our 30-day money-back guarantee).

To absolutely ensure that once you’re 100% ready to schedule appointments after you purchase Simply Schedule Appointments, we created a mind-blowingly simple setup wizard that takes you step-by-step through the entire setup process—without any headaches, and in in five minutes flat.

3. Actually Easy-to-Use (Especially Compared to Other Scheduling Plugins)

WordPress Repository Review

Oh, boy. Now it looks like we’re the ones marketing our plugin as “easy-to-use.”

Luckily, we can back it up.

More than 90% of our five-star reviews mention how intuitive and simple our user interface, features, and integrations are. Of course, to us, that comes as no surprise.


Because the reason we set out to create an appointment scheduling plugin in the first place was because we struggled to find one that already existed and was truly easy-to-use.

It would’ve been pretty pointless for us to create a new appointment scheduling plugin that was just as difficult to use as the others, so we decided to make ours incredibly simple. And alas—Simply Schedule Appointments was born. The name sort of makes sense now, huh?

4. Completely Customize Your Scheduling Calendar to Match Your Brand

Simply Schedule Appointments Customer Example

This whole list is starting to seem like a bunch of no-brainers. But you’d be surprised to find that a ton of scheduling plugins don’t offer you the ability to fully customize the appearance of your scheduling calendar.

With Simply Schedule Appointments, we let you take the wheel on things like theme colors and fonts—so that your scheduling calendar fits perfectly into the current design of your WordPress website.

Additionally, we offer the ability to create custom fields in your scheduling forms—allowing you to easily request and successfully collect any info you could possible need (like website URLs, social handles, etc.) from those scheduling appointments with you or your company.

5. The Most Integrations of Any WordPress Scheduling Plugin on the Market

Integrations Illustration

I mean, this is just factual (we recently did an audit of all of the other scheduling plugins and their integrations, and our list was—just being honest—a fair bit longer). Simply Schedule Appointments currently integrates with:

Interested in an integration that’s not on the list? Tweet at us and we’ll add it to our list.

6. Say Goodbye to No-Calls, No-Shows with Automatic Confirmation Emails & SMS Reminders

Screen shot of editable Twig template with notification message

In the world of appointment scheduling, and in the working world in general, there are few things worse than no-calls, no-shows.


Because a no-call, no-show takes away from what you otherwise would want or need to be doing with your workday. It’s thirty minutes or an hour—down the drain.

Of course, this is life—people do have emergencies and important events that pop up, but there’s also a solid percentage of appointments and calls that don’t actually happen simply because the person who scheduled it didn’t add it to their calendar and/or forgot.

With our automatic confirmation emails and SMS reminders, you can rest easy knowing that more appointments and call will occur as planned, and you’ll be able to rely on your calendar when trying to get the most out of your workday.

7. We’re Ridiculously Committed to Building Features That Our Customers Ask For

You’d think this would be a stance that any company offering a software product or plugin would take, and yet surprisingly, a lot of them still just like to believe they magically know exactly what customers want and will pay for (without ever making an effort to ask or listen to those customers).

We couldn’t disagree more.

Our product is 100% built for our customers and their needs, and the best way to do that, we believe, is simply by listening to them and really valuing their feedback.

Nearly everything awesome about Simply Schedule Appointments that you’ve read in this article is a result of us being true to our customers—and we’re only becoming more committed to keeping it going as our customer base grows and more feedback and requests come in.


Finding a scheduling plugin for your WordPress website likely won’t be the hardest thing you do for your business today. After all, there’s a ton of them out there.

But finding a scheduling plugin for your WordPress website that has a 5-star review average, is easy-to-use, takes five minutes to setup, includes a kick-ass customer support team, has robust list of integrations, and actually builds the features you and your business need?

Well, let’s just say… we only know one (thanks to our customers and their reviews). Thanks for reading!

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Appointment Scheduling Illustration