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This guide will show you how to redirect users to a new page after submitting their booking. This is handy for creating a custom confirmation page or tracking booking conversions based on the page sessions instead of custom events.

This can only redirect to pages on the same WordPress website since the new shortcode attribute requires a post ID.

Create the New Confirmation Page on Your Website

Embed the following shortcode on your new confirmation page:


By default, this shortcode says, “Simply Schedule Appointments Booking Confirmation.” You’re welcome to change the text here but remember that this converts into the confirmation module during the redirection process.

Customized Booking Confirmation Page with text "Add any confirmation information here, customize to your heart's content!".
Confirmation module

Find the Post ID

While creating this new page, take note of the Post ID since you’ll need this for the next steps. To find the Post ID, open the page’s editor and look at the URL. The number will be listed after post=.

For example, your URL may look like this:

In the example above, the post ID is 1234.

Example of a confirmation page with the [ssa_confirmation] shortcode embedded and finding the post ID within the URL
Example of a confirmation page with the [ssa_confirmation] shortcode embedded and finding the post ID within the URL

Update the Booking Page Shortcode

Embed the booking calendar using a shortcode along with the new redirect attribute, redirect_post_id:

[ssa_booking redirect_post_id="1234"]

Replace 1234 with the Post ID we collected in the previous step.

Screenshot of the main booking page, notice the ssa_booking shortcode is being used along with the new redirect_post_id attribute
An example of the main booking page, notice the ssa_booking shortcode is being used along with the new redirect_post_id attribute.

Redirect to Custom Confirmation Page After Booking Demo

In this example, we have one page for booking appointments and another for confirmation. The confirmation page can be customized to your heart’s content. In this case, we added an image, text, and buttons.

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