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In this guide, we’ll set up the MemberPress Appointments integration. These steps will show you how to limit appointments for your site’s subscriptions and memberships.

Potential Use Cases:

  • Limit Members to a certain number of appointments within a timeframe
  • Sell appointment packages tied to active subscriptions

Available in all the premium MemberPress plans.

How MemberPress Booking Subscriptions Work

The Simply Schedule Appointments and MemberPress integration offers the following major features:

  • Associating one or more Appointment Types to a Membership
  • Configure the booking interval and overall booking limit for each appointment type in the Membership
  • Appointment management for each Member’s account

Essentially, this integration helps you set up appointment bookings for your memberships and makes it easy to enforce scheduling limits for your Members automatically.

Booking Logic

Our booking system integration is designed to make things simple and hassle-free. It automatically prevents users from booking appointments that go against the rules you’ve set in their Membership Appointment settings. It works by blocking off conflicting dates in the Appointment Type calendars so everything runs smoothly.

For example, if a Membership allows one appointment per week, once a user books an appointment for that week, they won’t be able to book another. SSA takes care of this automatically by marking the rest of the week as unavailable for them.

Screenshot of a booking calendar embedded in the MemberPress Appointments tab highlighting the booking logic where the weeks that have reached their limit get blocked off.

Enforced Appointment Type Settings

The MemberPress integration respects all your Appointment Type Settings and features (excluding Payments, see below). This includes:

Handling Booking Payments

If an Appointment Type is linked to a Membership and set up to collect Payments, the payment step will be skipped when a Member books through their account. We’ve designed it this way because it’s assumed the payment was already handled during the Membership signup process.

1. Enable Membership Appointment Settings

To link Memberships with the Simply Schedule Appointments plugin, head over to your WordPress MemberPress tab > Memberships, select one > under the Membership Options > open the Appointments tab.

Enable the integration by toggling on, Do you want to include appointments with this membership? 

Screenshot of the MemberPress Appointment Settings within the Membership Options editor.

2. Set Up Membership Appointments

Once enabled, you can select the Appointment Types that you want to tie to the Membership. After you save the Membership with its new Appointment settings, you’ll be able to allow members to schedule bookings as part of their membership.

Select an Appointment Type

A membership can be tied to one or more Appointment Types in Simply Schedule Appointments. Use the dropdown to select an Appointment Type.

After adding the Appointment Type, you’ll be able to adjust a few different rules and settings.

Booking Interval Limit

Adjust the booking interval limits for the membership using the Number of Appointments Allowed setting within each Appointment Type listing.

The Booking Intervals are based on:

  • Weekly interval starts from the ‘Weeks starts on’ date in SSA General Settings
  • Monthly interval starts from the first day of each month
  • Quarterly intervals are predefined quarters of a year
  • And, Yearly intervals start from January 1.

Billing Cycle Limit

Turn on the Set booking limit per billing cycle checkbox to enable an overall booking limit for this Appointment Type within the billing or subscription cycle.

  • Recurring Membership Types: The billing cycle limit resets with each renewal.
  • One-Time Billing Membership Types: The billing cycle limit applies to the entire duration of the membership.

This is particularly useful for creating booking packages where users are limited to a certain number of appointments within their billing period.

Appointments per Billing Cycle do not rollover on recurring memberships, the count is reset after each cycle.

Screenshot of the Trial Period Appointment Interface, a message display, "You have 1 remaining appointment".

Trial Period Limit

When using the Recurring Membership option for a Trial Period, a new checkbox, Allow Booking During Trials, is enabled.

By default, members can’t book during trial periods. But if Allow Booking During Trials is checked, members can access the booking form but can’t book outside their trial periods.

During the Trial Period, interval booking limits apply, but billing cycle limits don’t.

Screenshot of the Trial Period Membership settings enabled and the Allow Booking During Trial period checkbox in view.

3. Setup Member Appointment Type Calendars

You have two options for letting your Members book their Membership appointments. Both will automatically follow the Membership rules for each user. Only the appointments booked through the Membership areas will count toward their limits.

  1. Appointments Tab for Member Dashboards
  2. Shortcodes to Display Member Calendars

Appointments booked elsewhere on your site won’t count, even if they use the same email. For example, they could end up booking more than their limit or in a calendar that’s not part of their Membership.

Appointments Tab for Member Dashboards

If a user is subscribed to a Membership tied to Simply Schedule Appointments, their Account dashboard will automatically include a new Appointments tab.

From here, Members can:

  • Make bookings for Appointment Types included with their Membership
  • See and Edit their Upcoming Appointments
  • Review their Past Appointments

Learn more about the MemberPress Appointments tab.

Screenshot of the MemberPress Appointments tab in the Member Accounts page.

Shortcodes to Display Member Calendars

If you’d like to display the Appointment Types on other pages for Members besides their Accounts, you can use the following shortcodes.

General Membership Booking Shortcode

This shortcode displays all the membership’ Appointment Types the current user is subscribed to and enforces all the integration settings.


Specific Membership Booking Shortcode

This will display the Appointment Types associated with the membership ID if the user is subscribed to the matching membership ID and enforce all the integration settings.

[ssa_booking mepr_membership_id=1]

4. Configure Notifications

Lastly, you may want to update your Simply Schedule Appointments notifications with the exclusive Twig token for this integration.

Membership Title Twig

Returns the Membership title of the appointment made.

{{ mepr_membership_title }}

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