Back to Appointment Types Guides

This guide applies to:

  • Basic Edition
  • Plus Edition
  • Pro Edition
  • Business Edition


Sometimes, you’ll need bulk editing to change the settings in more than one Appointment Type. For example, say you changed your business hours to close early on Friday, or maybe you’ve decided to open on Saturday mornings.

We provide a handy way for you to edit multiple Appointment Types at the same time.

Please be careful when bulk-editing; making any small change to any of the tabs will overwrite the entire tabs’ settings.

Entering the Bulk Editing Screen

Select the Appointment Types

Go to the Appointment Types tab in Simply Schedule Appointments.

Each appointment type has a small bookmark icon in front of it. If you hover your mouse over this bookmark, you’ll see it changes to a checkbox:

Check the checkbox in front of at least two Appointment Types, and you’ll automatically enter Bulk editing mode.

You’ll see a count of how many Appointment Types you have selected on the header. A Bulk Edit menu appears at the top right.

Bulk Edit option appears if you select the bookmarks to the left of the appointment types' names.

On touch screens, tap the bookmark icon before an Appointment Type to toggle the checkbox.

Select a Setting to Start Bulk Editing

After selecting the appointment types to edit, click the Bulk Edit menu at the top right and select which settings tab you’d like to edit.

The options available here will depend on which edition of Simply Schedule Appointments you’re using and which modules you’ve enabled.

Choosing a settings tab to edit for the appointment types selected.

Bulk Edit Screen

On the Bulk Edit screen, you’ll see a toggle labeled Edit selected Appointment Types individually at the top-right.

If this toggle is Off, you’ll edit all the selected appointment types simultaneously and apply the exact same settings to all.

If the toggle is On, you’ll see each of your individual Appointment Types listed in an accordion. Open the panel for each one to edit the setting for each one separately quickly.

In this mode, you can set different settings for each Appointment Type but still have the handiness to switch between appointment types quickly.

Please be careful when bulk-editing; any small change to any tabs will overwrite the entire tabs’ settings.

Toggling the Edit selected appointment types individually button to switch between editing all appointment types at once or individually.

Still stuck?

File a support ticket with our five-star support team to get more help.

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