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Use Formidable Forms to create complex booking forms to display varying prices based on user selection and quantity.

Potential Use Cases

  • Charge prices based on the number of people in a group. (Does not affect capacity)
  • Sell add-ons for the appointment
  • Accepting donations

What You Need First

  1. Formidable Forms installed and activated. Including their Basic, Pro, Elite, or Developer plan.
  2. Go through the Setup Wizard in SSA and finish setting up your Booking Calendar rules and styling.
  3. To get started on how to set up a basic Formidable Forms form, please refer to our guide on the initial form setup.
  4. Learn how to create Conditional Logic on Formidable Forms.

Pricing Fields Options

Formidable Forms has three different Pricing Fields, such as Product, Quantity, and Total, to help you charge varying prices for your appointments.

Screenshot depicting the pricing field options in Formidable Forms
Pricing Fields in Formidable Forms
  • Quantity: Set a range limit that links to a Product field.
  • Total: Automatically calculates all the pricing fields on the form and displays the total amount.

Product Field

The Product field has 5 different Product Type options to choose from:

  • Dropdown: Create various products or services that users can choose from. This option is best if you have a lot of different options and don’t want it to take up a lot of space on the form.
  • Radio Buttons: Similar to the Dropdown menu. This option is best if you have 2 to 4 options to choose from.
  • Checkboxes: Allow users to select more than one product or service option listed.
  • Single Product: Create a set price for a single product or service. This option is best if you always want to charge a set amount.
  • User Defined: Allow users to input a custom amount and pay. This option is best if you would like to accept optional payments like donations.

For more in-depth explanations of the options, please refer to Formidable Forms’ guide on their Pricing Fields here.

Quantity Field and Capacity Feature

The Quantity field in Formidable Forms does not affect the SSA Capacity feature because when the form is submitted, it is considered one booking.

You can use the Quantity field and Capacity feature together in the following situations:

  • Limit the number of groups (group capacity) with a maximum number of people per group (quantity) at a single time slot.
  • Allow overlapping bookings (individual capacity) with a maximum number of people per group (quantity).

To learn more about how the Capacity feature works, please refer to our guide on Capacity for Groups or Overlapping Bookings.

Setting up Pricing Fields

By following our guide on the initial form setup, there should be the Name, Email, and Appointment field ready in the form builder.

Basic Set-Up

First, add the Product field to the form. Change the Field Label to the name of the product or service. Then add the Total field so that it will automatically calculate the total.

Adding the Product and Total fields to Formidable Forms.

Next, you’ll have to determine which Product Type you’ll use to display the Product on your page. For this example, we’ll use the Single Product option and Checkboxes for add-ons.

Changing product type to checkboxes.

To link different Products to certain Appointment Types, please follow our guide on Creating Conditional Logic.

When using Product Types that aren’t Single Product, the prices will not be displayed on the form by default. It is highly recommended to include the price in the field name.

Screenshot depicting Product Options fields
Product field options with prices in the label.
Screenshot depicting Checkbox fields
How the field will display when listing prices in the label

Using the Quantity Field

This method is used when you want to charge a price per person.

After adding the Quantity field to the form, you have to choose which Product Field you want to link it to. For our example, we want to link the Quantity to the Single Product field.

Then after setting the correct Product Field, a Number Range can now be set. For example, if you only want to allow up to 5 people per group, you would input “1” in the left box, and “5” in the right box.

Quantity Field with a number range added.

After setting the Number Range, click on the Advanced setting and enter in a Field Description to notify your users of the range. For example, “Please enter a number from 1 to 5.”

Entering in a field description to the quantity field.

Test the Form

Now that all of the pricing fields have been implemented, the only thing left is to test out the form! See how the two different Product fields work in Formidable Forms charge varying prices.

Formidable Form with SSA implemented and varying prices.

Still stuck?

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  • Please provide any information that will be helpful in helping you get your issue fixed. What have you tried already? What results did you expect? What did you get instead?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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