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By default, SSA offers availability caching for your booking calendars. This keeps a memory of the available time slots and days so that your calendar doesn’t have to load it each time repeatedly.

We automatically cache your Availability. This is especially helpful since the following things slow down how fast your booking calendar loads:

  • potential time slots, I’m looking at you,10-minute intervals
  • booked appointments
  • custom rules set in Scheduling Options
  • Google Calendar sync checking for conflicts
  • Slow hosting – your server doesn’t have enough processing power

Reset Availability Caching to Help Resolve Missing Time Slots

To turn off the availability cache, go to SSA Admin Settings > scroll down to Developer Settings > toggle on the Disable Availability Caching option.

Once the caching feature is off, go back to your booking calendar and load some time slots by clicking through the booking form. This should force the availability algorithm to run instead of relying on the caching system.

Double-check to see if the missing time slots have re-appeared. If they’ve come back, turn the availability cache setting back on. If the time slots are still missing, contact our support team, and we’d be happy to take a look.

Remember, this is only meant for troubleshooting purposes. Only disable the availability caching if you were instructed by our support team.

Availability caching option in Developer settings.

Test for Yourself! Finding the Initial Load Time

To test out the Cache Availability feature, let’s first set up a test. After all, humans are not very good at detecting seconds’ worth of change.

First, you’ll need to open the browser developer console on the page where your booking calendar is located. Here’s a page to help you open the dev console on your specific browser.

Go to your booking calendar and try loading a specific appointment type. If you just have a single appointment type, you can just reload the page. If you have a couple of appointment types, choose one from the list.

Now go to the Network tab and scroll down to find the row that says availability. That’s what we’re going to use to measure the performance.

After turning off the cache availability setting, check to see if that worsened the loading performance.

Screenshot of the Availability row in Network tab.

Still stuck?

File a support ticket with our five-star support team to get more help.

File a ticket

  • Please provide any information that will be helpful in helping you get your issue fixed. What have you tried already? What results did you expect? What did you get instead?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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