WordPress is the world’s most popular Content Management System (CMS) with over 455M websites using the platform as of 2020.

And while the platform is simple and intuitive—which is much of the reason it’s so widely adopted—truly mastering it requires extensive research, insights, and resources (not to mention staying on top of the latest updates and news).

Fortunately for you, most of these can be easily gathered just by following and establishing strong connections in the WordPress community, which just so happens to be quite active on Twitter.

To help you get better connected with the WordPress community, we’ve put together a list of the 15 WordPress influencers to make sure you follow on Twitter going into 2021.

Without further ado, meet our official list!

1. Matt Mullenweg – @photomatt

2. Syed Balkhi – @syedbalkhi

3. Mark Jaquith – @markjaquith

4. Brian Jackson – @brianleejackson

5. Brad Williams – @williamsba

6. Sarah Gooding – @pollyplummer

7. Ahsan Parwez – @AhsanParwez


8. Raelene Morey – @raemoreywrites


9. Bill Erickson – @BillErickson

10. Miriam Schwab – @miriamschwab

11. Peter Nilsson – @peternilssonwp

12. Tim Nash – @tnash

13. Rich Tabor – @richard_tabor

14. Jean-Baptiste Jung – @catswhocode

15. Angela Bowman – @askwpgirl


And there you have it—our official list of the 15 WordPress influencers to make sure you follow on Twitter going into 2021.

We hope you enjoyed our list and are able to pick up some new and valuable insights from those included.

Have any additional WordPress influencers you think we should be following on Twitter in 2021? Let us know in the comments!

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