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This guide applies to:

  • Basic Edition
  • Plus Edition
  • Pro Edition
  • Business Edition


Simply Schedule Appointments is a single-page application built using Vue.js and the WordPress REST API.

To use tracking, you must embed the Simply Schedule Appointments booking form in a page or post using the [ssa_booking] shortcode, the Booking Gutenberg block, the Elementor Booking widget, or the Beaver Builder booking module.

Conversion tracking is an advanced practice, and we cannot support questions or troubleshooting related to third-party analytics software. If you need additional help, we recommend you reach out to an analytics developer.

Turn on the Tracking settings in SSA Settings

To enable conversion tracking, go to Simply Schedule Appointments > Settings, and enable Tracking. If you click into the Tracking settings, you can elect to track page views and/or events.

Tracking feature on the settings page of SSA.
The Tracking feature location in the SSA Settings page.

Facebook Pixel ‘Page’ Tracking

The Facebook pixel does not allow single-page apps to record virtual page views as regular page views. Instead, we create a custom event called virtualPageview and pass it the page URL:

The following virtual paths and events are readily trackable by Facebook Pixel. Make sure that the Tracking setting is also turned on in the SSA Admin page.

When a customer views the screen where they need to select an appointment type

When a customer views the screen where they need to select a date for their appointment

When a customer views the screen where they need to select a time for their appointment

When a customer views the booking form where they fill in their contact information

When a customer completes appointment booking and views the confirmation screen

If a customer clicks the links to edit, reschedule or cancel in their confirmation email

Facebook Pixel Event Tracking

We’re tracking the following custom events and data for the Facebook pixel:

event: typeSelected
appointmentType: Title of the appointment type
Customer selects an appointment type

event: dateSelected
appointmentType: Title of the appointment type
Customer selects a date for their appointment

event: timeSelected
appointmentType: Title of the appointment type
Customer selects a time for their appointment

event: bookingRescheduled
appointmentType: Title of the appointment type
Customer reschedules an appointment

event: bookingEdited
appointmentType: Title of the appointment type
Customer edits their contact information for an appointment

event: bookingCanceled
appointmentType: Title of the appointment type
Customer cancels their appointment

And we’re tracking the following Standard Events:

event: Purchase
value: Price of the appointment type
currency: The currency for the payment
When a customer completes appointment booking for an appointment with a payment

event: Schedule
When a customer completes appointment booking without payment

event: InitiateCheckout
value: Price of the appointment type
currency: The currency for the payment
Customer clicks the ‘Confirm & Pay’ button

Still stuck?

File a support ticket with our five-star support team to get more help.

File a ticket

  • Please provide any information that will be helpful in helping you get your issue fixed. What have you tried already? What results did you expect? What did you get instead?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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